To listen to Carl Hancock Rux’ alternately blistering and blissful commentary is to attest to an artist who picks at his own sores as readily as he salves them, a life borne out of tragedy that painstakingly claws out its own victory-whether or not we perceive it as such. His Sony 550 debut, Rux Revue, […]


In this edition of Progressive Forum, we continue our celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Black Rock Coalition with a tribute to the three co-founders of the organization: Guitarist/band leader exemplar Vernon Reid, musician/journalist Greg Tate; manager/video and film producer Konda Mason. In this second installment, we speak with Greg Tate, author of the […]

BRC Radio on ART on Air (link here)

All kinds of sonic sweets await you on the BRC’s channel on ART on Air. The archive goes all the way back to 2004 and includes surprise guest interviews from some of our greatest rock pioneers. Definitely a trip in the way-back (and not-so-way-back) machine for a Who’s Who of Black Rock.   LATEST BLACK […]