Omnis iusto perferendis fugiat aut id

Dignissimos omnis animi beatae porro cupiditate doloribus. Et atque eum harum Omnis odit magni officiis ipsam ut. Consequatur a non ex asperiores iste Eum sit illum et sit quaerat. qui neque dolorum doloremque non modi ratione. iure doloremque eaque eos dolores Voluptas doloremque placeat illo sed est. perferendis nam eum Explicabo sit excepturi neque ipsum […]


[written by Earl Douglas, Jr. (Executive Director) and Darrell M. McNeill (Director of Operations) of the Black Rock Coalition] The BRC was formed in the fall of 1985 by Living Colour guitarist Vernon Reid, artist rep Konda Mason and the late Village Voice writer, musician Greg Tate as a means to fight the racist forces […]

Love for the BRC (we love you back…)

A love letter from our good (and talented) friend Michael A. Gonzales for Red Bull Music Academy, Oct 2015 A history lesson long in the writing, Sun Singleton brought the historical realness on, Oct. 2015

“A LIVE LESSON IN THE CULTURAL HISTORY OF A JOURNEY” -Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon on the BRC Orchestra ‘Deep Roots of Rock’ Show

We were exceedingly lucky to be able to tap Toshi Reagon to be the Musical Director and Designer for our “Deep Roots of Rock and Roll” Orchestra show. So we considered ourselves beyond blessed when her mother, the legendary Dr. Reagon (composer, musician, songtalker, scholar, performer, historian, teacher, producer, author, public speaker, and activist) had […]